In this sport, the experience is decisive

Dmitry Pechurin is a 25 years old Chess boxing player from Moscow. He has fought in 8 fights with 7 wins, and 1 loss.   Recently, he participated in the first edition of Chess Boxing Amateur World Championships held at Khudiram Anushilan Kendra,Kolkata.

How did your career in chess boxing begin?

I met with my coach Marat Shakhmanov, who told me about this sport and offered to train.

It is very difficult to coordinate mind and body together. How difficult is chess boxing?

In this sport, the experience is decisive. The more experience you have, the easier it is to switch from boxing to chess and back.

What qualities do you think a successful chess boxer should posses?

It's simple! He must be able to play chess and be a boxer.

How do you mentally prepare for a match?

It seems to me that the main thing is not to think about the upcoming fight. Try to relax, listen to music or talk on abstract topics with someone from the team.

What’s your opinion on the future of Indian chess boxing?

I think that Chess boxing in India will have a great future. The tournament that was held in India showed that, unlike other countries, Chess boxing is very popular in India. Fighters of India need to 
gain experience in international competitions.

What are your future plans?

My plan for the future is to become a world champion among professionals. For this, I need to train the level of chess and boxing.

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